原材料名:醤油、植物油脂、砂糖、酵母エキス、おろしにんにく、唐辛し加工品、豆板醬、唐辛し粉末、香味食用油、食塩、酸化防止剤(一部に小麦、ごま、大豆を含む) まろやかなオニオンエキス、香料 、ごま油 風味のアクセントを効かせ、最後までおいしく味わえるように仕上げました。 カラダにやさしい植物性原料のみで仕上げたとは思えないおどろきの美味しさです。
業務用 1kg
Soy Sauce Ramen Soup
Ingredients: Soy sauce, vegetable oil and fat, sugar, yeast extract, grated garlic, processed chili pepper powder, soy bean shoyu, chili pepper powder, flavored cooking oil, salt, antioxidants (some contain wheat, sesame and soybeans) Mellow onion extract, flavorings,
sesame oil Flavors are accented for a delicious taste to the end. Made with only plant-
based ingredients that are gentle on the body. The surprisingly delicious taste you would
not expect from a product made only with plant-based ingredients that are gentle to the